* = Required Information

Temporary Employee Understanding

I understand as a temporary employee of a temporary employment firm, I must notify Elohim Medical Staffing Agency, Inc. of completion of an employment assignment and seek reassignment.

Failure to notify the temporary employment firm of completion of an employment assignment,within three working days of Iowa, of the completion of each employment assignment under acontract of hire; shall be deemed a voluntary quit. This applies, unless the individual had a goodcause for not contacting the temporary employment firm within the time frame above andnotified t he firm at the f irst reasonable opportunity there after.

Temporary employee means an individual who is employed by temporary employment firm toprovide services to clients to supplement their work force during absences, seasonal workloads,temporary skill or labor market shortages and for special assignments and projects. As a temporaryemployee you are employed by Elohim Medical Staffing Agency, Inc.

Temporary employment firm means a person engaged in business of employing temporary employees.

Maintaining Licenses, Certifications, immunizations, health statement, TB/risk assessment, annualmandatory educational training and any other item with expiration is required as a condition ofemployment. Failure to m aintain such, and up on expiration, employee is de emed a vo luntary quit.